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Web service for generating customizable QR codes from URLs, vCards, and Wi-Fi data. It offers options to adjust the QR code’s colors, and error correction level, returning the result as a base64-encoded image for easy integration into applications.
Generates a QR code based on the provided parameters and returns it as a base64-encoded string.
copy command
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
        "payload": "",
        "fg_color": "#ff0000",
        "bg_color": "#ffffff",
        "data_type": "url",
        "error_correction": "M"
Generates QR Code pointing to url.
{ "qrcode": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAA... (truncated base64 string)" }
Wifi Configuration
copy command
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
        "payload": {
                "ssid": "MyNetwork",
                "password": "password123"
        "fg_color": "#00ff00",
        "bg_color": "#000000",
        "data_type": "wifi",
        "error_correction": "H"
The QR code image representing the Wi-Fi configuration is returned directly to the client as a Base64.
copy command
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
        "payload": "BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nFN:John Doe\nTEL:+123456789\nEMAIL:[email protected]\nEND:VCARD",
        "fg_color": "#00ff00",
        "bg_color": "#000000",
        "data_type": "vcard",
        "error_correction": "H"
The response will be a base64-encoded QR code image containing the vCard data. This QR code can be scanned by mobile devices or QR code readers to quickly import the contact information into a contact list or address book.
Q: What is QRFusion?
A: Web service that generates QR codes from various types of data, provided as base64-encoded images. It’s designed for easy integration into web applications and digital platforms.
Q: What is the response format of the QR code?
A: The QR code is always returned as a base64-encoded string, allowing easy embedding into web applications or digital formats.
Q: How does QRFusion ensure data security?
A: QRFusion processes requests in real-time and does not store generated QR codes or request data, ensuring your data remains private and secure.
Q: What is the rate limit for generating QR codes?
A: The rate limit is set to allow a maximum of 3 QR code generation requests per minute per IP address. If you exceed this limit, you will receive an error and will need to wait before making additional requests.
Q: What is the maximum payload size for generating a QR code?
A: The maximum payload size is limited to 500 characters. If your payload exceeds this limit, you will need to reduce the content before attempting to generate a QR code.
Business Support
If you’re a business looking for advanced QR code functionalities, QRFusion offers tailored solutions through RudeNet. With our custom solutions, you can enhance your QR code capabilities with features such as:
Contact RudeNet to discuss your specific needs, and let us build a customized QR code solution that fits perfectly into your business operations.
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1.0.1 (beta)